7400 TTL series integrated digital logic circuits Electronics February 25, 2020March 5, 2020DavidThe 7400 TTL series integrated digital logic circuits are a five volt solution for most logic requirements. The 74Cxxx series provides the same function at other logic levels. IC Letter DesignationsA-Advanced S-SchottkyL-Low Power B-BiCMOST-TTL C-CMOSF-Fast H-High Speed1G-First Generation 2G-Second Generation3G-Third Generation A-AdvancedS-Schottky L-Low PowerB-BiCMOS T-TTLCCMOS Q-Quiet Outputs V-VoltagePPowerFamilies 74 (Standard TTL) 74L (Low-power) 74S (Schottky)74LS (Low-power Schottky)74AS (Advanced Schottky)74F (Fast)74xx Series Listhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_7400-series_integrated_circuits TweetSharePin105Share105 Shares