Free Lesson
This is the free first of five lessons in an electronics preparatory course (Enjoy). The full course is available for $29USD at world of electronics study teachables
Start the lesson by clicking the graphic below.

Next–Now that you have seen the Video, click below and read & study the written part of lesson one.
You can click below to get a PDF to clerify any terms or definitions you may not understand.
Click the graphic below to start the supplementary video for lesson one.

Complete the assignment, chect the answers and study the quiz.
That is the end of this lesson. You can CLICK HERE to get the second FREE lesson. The following is a summery of how the complete course is organized.
The course is divided into 3 parts.
The introduction.
The Preparatory Study material.
The final exam.
The five Preparatory Study major lessons include:
Basic Math Concepts
Atomic Structure
Formulas and Equations
Circuit Terms and Rules
Direct Current and Magnetism
This material must be studied in order.
Each of the five sections include the following parts:
The Main video & Written Material: Main Video and a narration covering the main study points.
The written material has descriptions, explanations, drawings, photos and references covering the lesson content.
Terminology & definitions: A listing of pertinent Terms and special rules along with definitions.
Assignment: Study questions, problems, & experiments
Supplemental Video: Supplemental material explaining additional and more practical topics
Quiz: A short quiz covering the major topics.
The Preparatory Study material should be completed in the order presented. Once you have successfully completed the last section you will be presented with the final exam.
Final Exam: Fifty questions taken from the Quiz sections of the five Modules.