Semiconductor Fundamentals

Semiconductor Elements The primary materials used in the forming of transistors are classed as Semiconductors. The materials in this category include Silicon, and Germanium. What makes semiconductor atoms unique is that they have four valence (outer shell) electrons. Conductor atoms have less than four and insulator atoms have more than four. The maximum number of […]

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Series Resistance

Series, Parallel and Series/Parallel are the basic circuit resistance configuration types that you may encounter. The first is the easiest of the three: In a Series circuit resistance configuration. Series Circuit Rules  1.  Total Resistance is the sum of the individual series resistances 2.  Current is the same throughout the series circuit 3.  The Sum […]

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Valence Electrons

The concepts surrounding the structure of the atom are fundamental requirements in the study of electronics. The outer shell of the Atom is referred to as the Valence shell. When the atoms within a material have less than four valence electrons, those electrons can be easily broken free from their parent atom to form current. […]

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Facebook Study Group

Electronics Technology Preparatory Study Group Check This Out! (Be sure and have your sound turned up) This is a great growing  Facebook group to help students and professionals alike.  Just click on the button and it will take you to Facebook and my Electronics Technology Preparatory Study Group. Join Now!

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